ASCII Character Codes

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the ASCII Character Codes terminology and jargon:



126~ ( tilde, squiggle)
127DEL ( Delete)
24143I’m = 2, Glad = 4, I = 1, Have = 4, You = 3
4200Reminder that the true happines lies in serbing other well
7 P’sProper Planning Prompts Projecting Pinnacles Prospering Performance.
Alt (+) 0160adds a space
BLMOMININGBlmoCoin Blockchain Mobile Mining Blmo Mine BLMO Bank Coin
EDPARTEddrout Packet
GACGreek And Coptic
HBF唛矱蓸⹲멣葏혛奘ᖃ띒冾ꤻ龌㌿甋ᴳģ聿抂變┿쮵強솴癋摸턬� �뼺邫آ䁊㍾팋븂관흀픔㷌哼鉊奒ꨙ巅ﲌꇄ廰⺇㑪ꧼ噠㒯⿖偼郟钲禚䞎囂䝬퀰ﵓ﹙聣ⱽ容隷큭秙嘝켏丳伇㩧ꢆ䵡噯떖蠋⌅篡Ƽ惫
IOTInternet Of Things
IWKYI Will Kick You
IWYTFMSHTICBI Want You To F*ck Me So Hard That I Cant Breathe
LONARLong Range Nevigation
NPACNon Printable ASCII Character
OBSWOff Brand Snow White
ODTOpen Document Text file
PHSAPhish Hish Shish Aish
ShawnVPN Master by VeePN 2424
WAYDWhat are you doing
WSPGWhat's Up G!
YHOSYoung Heart, Old Soul
