Assembly Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Assembly terminology and jargon:



CAFConvert ASCII to Farsii
CALCray Assembly Language
CALLCall Procedure
CALMClathrin Assembly Lymphoid Myeloid
CAMICommunity Assembly Model Inference
CAMPConstruction and Assembly of Mobile Platform
CAMPUSCentralized Assembly Mobilized to Prepare Unite and Safeguard
CAOGCrossWay Assembly of God
CAPCompressed And Packed
CARContents of Address Register
CARContent Address Register
CASColumn Address Select
CASColumn Access Select
CBCount of Bytes
CBBRCrash and Blow Boot ROM
CBNCall By Name
CBVCall By Value
CBWConvert Byte to Word
CCCarry Clear
CCCondition Code
CCClear the Command
CCAGChristian Center Assembly of God
CCCCarriage Control Character
