Astronomy Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Astronomy terminology and jargon:



MMTMultiple Mirror Telescope
MMTFMaryland-Magellan Tunable Filter
MMTOMultiple Mirror Telescope Observatory
MNRASMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
MOMonotonic Convention
MOEMoon Of Earth
MOMMars Orbiter Mission
MOSTMicrovariability Oscillations of STars
MOSTMolonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope
MPMassive Protostar
MPASMornington Peninsula Astronomical Society
MPECMinor Planet Electronic Circular
MPHMiles Per Hour
MPIAMax Planck Institute for Astronomy
MPPGMars Program Planning Group
MRMeasurement of Red
MRMoonlight Rising
MRAOMullard Radio Astronomy Observatory
MRKMarkarian (celestial object)
MROMars Reconnaissance Orbiter
MSMorning Star
MSMeteor Scatter
MSMain Sequence
MSMillions of Stars
MSASMansfield and Sutton Astronomical Society
