Awards & Medals Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Awards & Medals terminology and jargon:



FAAIMFellow of the American Association of Integrative Medicine
FAALFinancial Aid Award Letter
FAANFellow of the American Academy of Nursing
FAANSFellowship of The American Association of Neurological Surgeons
FAAOFellow of the American Academy of Optometry
FAAPFellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics
FAAPMFellow of the American Academy of Project Management
FABAFrench American Business Awards
FACCFellow, American College of Cardiology
FACEPFellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians
FACMGFellow of the American College of Medical Genetics
FACOGFellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology
FACPFellow of the American College of Physicians
FACRFellow of the American College of Radiology
FACSFellow of the American College of Surgeons
FACSMFellow of the American College of Sports Medicine
FAHAFellow of the American Heart Association
FAHMFellow, Academy for Healthcare Management
FAIFellow of Aquarists International
FAIMFIDI (Federal Association of International Movers) Accredited International Mover
FAINFederal Award Identification Number
FAINFederal Award Identifier Number
FAMPFoundation Award in Management Principles
FAMRFederal Award Management Registration
FAMSFellowship of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore
