Awards & Medals Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Awards & Medals terminology and jargon:



ARPIAward Rates of Pay Index
ARYAAgriculture Research Youth Award
ASAssociate Specialist
ASAAssociate of the Society of Actuaries
ASAPAccelerating Science Award Program
ASATAA Seat At the Table Awards
ASDAAmerican Standard Design Award
ASDANAward Scheme Development Accreditation Network
ASDANAwards Scheme Development and Accreditation Network
ASDANAwards Scheme Development Accreditation Network
ASDANAward Scheme Development and Accreditation and
ASEAccredited Systems Engineer
ASFAAbryanz Style and Fashion Awards
ASFAAbryanz Style Fashion Awards
ASMFAustralian Security Medals Foundation
ASPPAwards to Scholarly Publications Program
ASRArmy Service Ribbon
ASSUREAwards to Stimulate and Support Undergraduate Research Experiences
ASWPAsian Scientist Writing Prize
ATAAAnnual Training Achievement Awards
ATGAAlexander the great award
ATHEAwards for Training and Higher Education
ATHEAwards for Training Higher Education
ATLAAccess to Learning Award
AVMAAustralian Video Music Awards
