Chat Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Chat terminology and jargon:



IMCInstant Messaging and Chat
IMCOIn My Current Opinion
IMDIn My Defence
IMEIn My Experience
IMEI'm More Employable
IMFI M Fired
IMFAOIn My Frigging Arrogant Opinion
IMFAOIn My F***ing Arrogant Opinion
IMFAOIn My Friggin Arrogant Opinion
IMGI aM Great
IMG2BL8I Am Going To Be Late
IMHI Miss Her
IMHOIn My Humble Opinion
IMHOIn My Honest Opinion
IMHOIn My Hesitating Opinion
IMHOIn My Homosexual Opinion
IMIGI mean I guess
IMLOIn My Legal Opinion
IMMIn My Mind
IMNERHOIn My Never Even Remotely Humble Opinion
IMNSHOIn My Not So Humble Opinion
IMOIn My Opinion
IMOI My Opinion
