Chat Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Chat terminology and jargon:



ISOIn Search Of
ISOI'm Still Online
ISOIt's So Obvious
ISOInsane Sexual Offer
ISOI'm So Out
ISOTBOMDAI Swear On The Bones Of My Dead Ancestors
ISOUI’m So Over You
ISPI'm So Prissy
ISSI Said So
IssoriteIs alright
ISSYGTII'm So Sure You Get The Idea
ISTMIt Seems To Me
ISWISI Said What I Said
ISWYDTI See What You Did There
ISWYMI See What You Mean
ISYMFSIt’s Still Your Mother Frackin Set
ITIs There ....
ITI Think
ITAI Totally Agree
ITA/DI Totally Agree/Disagree
ITAKIt Takes All Kinds
ITALTAIt Takes A Life To Live Another
ITAPI Took A Picture
ITASI'm Taking A Sh*t
ITAYEDI Think About You Every Day
