Chat Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Chat terminology and jargon:



ATDNSSHINCAny Time Day or Night Sundays and Holidays Included
ATEAfter The Event
ATEOTDAt The End Of The Day
ATFA** To the Floor
ATFMAll Time Favorite Movie
ATGA** To Grass
ATGAt The Gym
ATHPAuthorized TeamSpeak Host Providers
ATIAt This Instant
ATMAt The Moment
ATMAcross The Miles
ATMA** To Mouth
ATMAsk Too Much
ATM!At The Moment
ATOSAll Types of S***
ATOUAlways Thinking Of You
ATOYAlways Thinking Of You
ATPAs Time Permits
ATPAt This Point
ATSTAt The Same Time
ATTAttenuator To The
ATTIAccording To The Internet
ATUYAre They Up Yet
ATVBAll The Very Best
ATVMAt This Very Moment
