Chemistry Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Chemistry terminology and jargon:



LLITLiquid-Liquid Intermolecular Transfer
LLPTLiquid-to-Liquid Phase Transition
LMLithium Manganese
LMALow Moisture Absorption
LMCLaboratory of Mathematical Chemistry
LMELiquid Metal Embrittlement
LMHLiquid Metallic Hydrogen
LMLALow Maintenance Lead Acid
LMSHLithium Magnesium Silicate Hydrate
LMWLow Molecular Weight
LMWCLow Molecular Weight Carbohydrates
LMWCLow Molecular Weight Chemical
LMWILow Molecular Weight Iron
LNLiquid Nitrogen
LNALocked Nucleic Acid
LNACLiposome Nucleic Acid Complexes
LNAPLLight Non Aqueous Phase Liquid
LNBLow Noise Blocker
LNCBLaboratory of Nanotechnology and Chemical Biology
LNDOLocal Neglect of Differential Overlap
LNGLiquid Natural Gas
LNGLiquefied Natural Gas
LNP-nCoVsaRNALipid Nanoparticles - Novel Coronavirus Small Activating Ribonucleic Acid
LNTLiquid Nitrogen Temperature
LOLocalized Orbitals
