Chemistry Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Chemistry terminology and jargon:



APArchimedes Plutonium
APAnticorrosive Paint
APACEAsia Pacific Association of Chemical Ecologists
APBAcid Producing Bacteria
APCAcetylsalicylic acid, Phenacetin, Caffeine
APCCAmerican Potash and Chemical Company
APCIAtmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization
APCIAtmospheric-Pressure Chemical Ionization
APCIAtmosferic Pressure Chemical Ionization
APCIMSAtmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry
APCVDAtmosphere Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition
APCVDAtmospheric Pressure Chemical Vapour Deposition
APCVDAtmospheric Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition
APDCAssociation for Professional Development in Chemistry
APEOalkylphenol ethoxylates
APIAromatic PolyImide
APIOSAcid Precipitation In Ontario Study
APPAverage Physical Product
APPAmyloid Precursor Protein
APPAtactic Poly Propylene
APPLAcid Precipitable Polymeric Lignin
APPMTApplied Photon Processing and Measurement Technology
APRAir Purifying Respirator
APSAnti-Pressure Surge
APSAutologous Protein Solution
