Chemistry Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Chemistry terminology and jargon:



ADMDAction Derived Molecular Dynamics
ADMNAcid Deposition Monitoring Network
ADMPAcid Deposition Modeling Project
ADNTAdenine Nucleotide Translocase
ADOMAcid Deposition and Oxidant Model
ADUAtmospheric Distillation Unit
AEAuger Electron
AEAtomic Emission
AEAcetonitrile Eluate
AEAcid Equivalent
AEAEAbnormal Esophageal Acid Exposure
AENAll Element Number
AENGAdvanced European Natural Gas
AEOAmino Epoxi Oxodecanoic
AEOAmino Epoxy Oxodecanoic
AEPAffinity ElectroPhoresis
AEPAnion Exchange Protein
AESAutomatic Electrophoresis System
AESRAqueous Extract of Sophorae Radix
AFAugmented Formulation
AFAnistropic Filtering
AFAdded Fluoroelastomer
AFAir Freshener
AFAAverage Fock Approximation
AFANGEanfangen, beginnen. Berndeutsch CH z.B.
