Academic Degrees Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Academic Degrees terminology and jargon:



GFGeologic Feature
GFMDGeneral Field and Multimedia Data
GGCPGraduate Gerontology Certificate Program
GGCPGreen Gardener Certification Program
GGGGloball Green Growth
GGREGeology Geophysics and Reservoir Engineering
GGWLGrowth of Growth Water Level
GHGiga Hertz
GIGeologic Investigation
GIPSGiga Instruction Per Second
GISGeographic Information Science
GISGeographic Infrmation System
GITGlass And Instrument Technology
GLGeographic Latitude
GLMGo Live Master
GLMBAGlobal Local Masters of Business Administration
GLPGraduated License Program
GMGeographic Merdian
GMBAGlobal Masters of Business Administration
GMEGraduate Medical Education
GMEGraduate in Marine Engineering
GNGeographic Net
GNDGraduate Non-Degree program
GNSGeneral study
GNVQGeneral National Vocation Qualification
