Educational Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Educational terminology and jargon:



ACESAchievement Center for Educational Success
ACETAdult Continuing Education And Training
ACETAids Care Education And Training
ACETAssociation for Compensatory Educators of Texas
ACETAIDS Carew Education and Training
ACETAssociate Continuing Education Tracking
ACETAmerican Center for Education and Testing
ACETAdvanced Classroom Expertise Teacher
ACETAssociation for Computer Educators in Texas
ACETAAmerican Civic Education Teacher Awards
ACETFAdvisory Committee on Educational Technology Fees
ACFAdministration for Children and Families
ACFAlliance for Children and Families
ACFAAlaska Computerized Formative Assessment
ACFEAdult Community and Further Education Board of Victoria
ACFYA Chance For YOUth
ACGEAcademic Consortium for Global Education
ACGMEAccreditation Council of GRADUATE medical education
ACGMEAccreditation Committee for Graduate Medical Education
ACGMEAccreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education
ACHEAlabama Commission on Higher Education
ACHEAssociation for Continuing Higher Education
ACHEArkansas Colleges of Health Education
ACHIEVEAthletic Camp To Heighten And Improve The Experience And Value Of Education
ACHRPAcademy of Certified Human Resource Professionals
