Educational Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Educational terminology and jargon:



EDLAEmerging Deep Learning Accelerators
EDLACEducation Looked After Children Team
EDLPEmployee Development and Learning Plans
EDLPEducational Department of Liaoning Province
EDLPEducational Leadership and Policy Studies (university course; various locations)
EDMEducational Data Mining
EDMCEducation Management Corporation
EDMDEducational Data Management Division
EDMEEarly Dedication to Medical Education
EDMODOEducational module
EDNEarly Development Network
EDOTEssential Dimensions Of Teaching
EDPEducational Development Plan
EDPEducational Development Program
EDPExternal Diploma Program
EDPEducationally Developed Products
EDPEEducation Diploma Paidia Entertainment
EDPGEducation Department Program Goals
EDQCEducational Development and Quality Center
EDQCEducational Development and Quality Centre
EDRPEducation Debt Reduction Program
EDRPEducation and Development Research and Practice
EDSEducation Data System
EDSEducation Development Service
EDSEducator Data System
