Educational Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Educational terminology and jargon:



ELPExtended Learning Program
ELPEarly Learning Program
ELPExpanded Learning Program
ELPE Learning Portal
ELPEffective Learning Programme
ELPEducational Leadership and Policy
ELPExperiential Learning Program
ELPExperiential Learning Plan
ELPEducational Leadership Program
ELPExperiential Learning Programs
ELPEarly Learning Programme
ELPExperiential Learning Platform
ELPAEducational Leadership and Policy Analysis
ELPAEnterprise Learning Performance Assessment (Intrepid Learning Solutions)
ELPBE Learning for Peacekeepers from Benin
ELPBOEnglish Language Proficiency Benchmarks and Outcomes
ELPCExperiential Learning Partial Credit
ELPPEntrepreneurial Learning Practice and Policy
ELPPEarly Learning Progress Profile
ELPSEducational Leadership and Policy Studies
ELPSEducational Leadership Policy Studies
ELPSAExperiences, Languages, Pictures, Symbols, Applications
ELQE Learning Quality
ELREmergency Locking Retractor
ELRExperiential Learning Requirement
