Educational Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Educational terminology and jargon:



EMEmphasis Math
EMEducation Minister
EMAEducation Maintenance Allowances
EMAANEducational Muslim Achievement Awards Night
EMACEducational Messages Advisory Committee
EMACEducational Materials Approval Committee
EMALEducational Management Administration Leadership
EMALeducational management
EMALEducational Management Administration and Leadership
EMANEducational Media Assessment Net
EMASEducation Medical Aid and Service
EMASEducation, Medical Aid and Service
EMATEnergy A Multidisciplinary Approach for Teachers
EMBEducation and Manpower Bureau
EMBACExecutive MBA Council
EMBEDEducation Made Beautiful Engaging and Delightful
EMCElite Mind Connections
EMCEEarly and Middle Childhood Education
EMDEmotionally and Mentally Disabled
EMDCEducation Management and Development Centres
EMDCEducation Management Development Centres
EMDDEducational Materials Design And Development
EMDEEligere Magistrum in Diving Education
EMDFEthnic Minority Development Framework
EMEEmergency Medical Events
