Electronics Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Electronics terminology and jargon:



GSMEGuilin Strong Micro Electronics
GSPIDGain- Scheduled Proportional Integro-Differential
GSSAPIGeneric security services Api
GSUGenerator Step-Up
GTAGas Tungsten Arc (welding)
GTEGeneral Telephone Electronics
GTEGrand Touring Electric
GTEGrand Turismo Electric
GTEGran Turismo Electric
GTEGrand Turing Electric
GTIAGraphic Television Interface Adaptor
GTOGate Turn Off (thyristor)
GTOGraphic Tube Original
GTRGolden Triode Reference
GTRNGeneral Transient
GTSGEM (Generic Equipment Model) Test System
GVGate Valve
GVIGeneral Visual Inspection
GWEGiga Watts electrical
GWEGiga Watt electrical
GWECGolden Way Electronics Corp
GWPGigaWatt (Power)
GWSSUSGaussian Wide-Sense Stationary Uncorrelated Scattering
Hform H (break; break) contacts

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