Electronics Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Electronics terminology and jargon:



IASSIntegrated Amplifier and Speaker System
IBInteractive Board
IBAEIon Beam Assisted Etching
IBDIon Beam Deposition
IBEIsoelectronic Bound Exciton
IBEIon Beam Etching
IBECInternational Broadband Electric Communications
IBEWInternational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
IBEWInternational Brotherhood Electrical Workers
IBIInter-Beat Interval
ICIntegrated Circuit
ICIon Chromatography
ICInvestment Council
ICInner Conductor
ICImpedance Coupled
ICInsulation Compatible
ICAIsotropically Conductive Adhesive
ICAIndependent Component Analysis
ICAMIntegrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing
ICAPInductively-Coupled Argon-Plasma spectrometry
ICCItem Characteristic Curve
ICCIntegrated Circuit Capacitor
ICCIntegrated Circuit Chip
ICCDIntensified Charge Coupled Device
ICCGIncomplete Conjugate Gradient

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