Electronics Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Electronics terminology and jargon:



ICEIn Car Electronics
ICECInternational Center for Electronic Commerce
ICECSInternational Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems
ICECSInternational Confer Electronics Circuits and Systems
ICECSInternational C Electronics Circuits and Systems
ICEEInternational Conference on Electrical Engineering
ICEECSITInternational Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Computer Science and Information Technology
ICEITInternational Conference on Electrical and Information Technologies
ICEITInternational Conference Electrical and Information Technologies
ICEPInternational Conference on Electronics Packaging
ICESInternational Consumer Electronics Show
ICESInductively Coupled Electrical Stimulation
ICESOIntegrated Chemicals and Electrical Systems Operation
ICETInformation Communication and Electronic Technologies
ICETInformation Communications and Electronics Technologies
ICHEGInternational Center for the History of Electronic Games
ICMIntegrated Circuit Memory
ICMSIntegrated Circuit Measurement System
ICONInternational Council On Nanotechnology
ICPInductively Coupled Plasma
ICPIntegrated Circuit Piezoelectric
ICPIntegrated Circuit Package
ICP-AESInductively Coupled Plasma - Auger Electron emission Spectroscopy
ICP-MSInductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
ICPEInternational Conference on Power Electronics

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