General Business Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the General Business terminology and jargon:



AEAssured Excellence
AEAfter Establishment
AE(S)Adverse Event(S)
AEAPAs Early As Possible
AECAssociated Equipment Company
AECTAdvancement of Electronic Commerce Technologies
AEDAutomatic External Defibrillator
AEIOUAccess, Equity, Innovation, Opportunity, and Ubiquity
AEISAlternative Employer Incentive Scheme
AEOAnnual Energy Outlook
AEPAnnual Enhancement Plan
AEPAnnual Enrollment Period
AEPPAffirmative Employment Program Plan
AEPSAdvanced Energy Portfolio Standard
AERAccurate, Efficient, Reliable
AEROAeronautics Employees Reaching Out
AERSAutomated Earnings Reporting System
AESAutomated Evaluation System
AETISAutomate EveryThing In Sight
AFArrow From
AFAir Freight
AFACAdmissions and Financial Aid Committee
AFAOAssistant Financial Aid Officer
AFAPAs Fast As Possible
AFASAmerican Financial and Automotive Services
