General Business Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the General Business terminology and jargon:



ACFA Credit Fiasco
ACFCAtlantic Coast Financial Corpor
ACFCAtlantic Coast Financial Corporation
ACFCSAssociation of Certified Financial Crime Specialists
ACFGAmerican Capital Financial Group
ACFIAmerican Community Financial, Inc.
ACFMAlternating Current Field Measurement
ACFMSAvatar Client Funds Management System
ACFOAssistant Chief Financial Officer
ACFPAge Concern Financial Partnership
ACFRAuckland Centre for Financial Research
ACFRAged Care Financial Report
ACFSAustralian Centre for Financial Studies
ACGIAboriginal Contract Guarantee Instrument
ACGMAnnual Conference and General Meeting
ACHAutomatic Clearing House
ACIA Concrete Idea
ACIIAssociate of the Chartered Insurance Institute
ACIOAgency Chief Information Officer
ACISAutomotive Competitiveness And Investment Scheme
ACMActivities for Current Month
ACMEActivities Committee For Metro Employees
ACMEAnnual Creative Marketing Extravaganza
ACMEAssociation for Chinese Management Educators
ACMSAllofe Construction Management System
