Human Genome Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Human Genome terminology and jargon:



MBDMinimal brain dysfunction
MBLModified By Luck
MBLMannose-Binding Lectin
MBOATsmembrane-bound O-acetyltransferases
MBPMega Base Pairs
MBPMaltose Binding Protein
MBPMilk Basic Protein
MBTMolecular Biology Toolbox
MCADMedium Chain Acylcoa Dehydrogenase
MCADDMedium-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency
MCASMast Cell Activation Syndrome
MCDMouse Cytogenetic Database
MCGMycelial Compatibility Group
MCGAMonte Carlo genetic algorithm
MCGAMachine coded genetic algorithm
MCGMManchester Centre for Genomic Medicine
MCGPMouse Cancer Genetics Program
MCSMultiple Chemical Sensitivities
MCSMultiple Cloning Site
MCTMedium Chain Triglyercide
MDMalate Dehydrogenase
MDMuscular dystrophy
MDAMuscular Dystrophy Association
MDBDmodular DNA binding domain
