Hardware Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Hardware terminology and jargon:



RDMRemote Device Managment
RDPPReconfigurable Data Path Processor
RDRAMRambus Dynamic Random Access Memory
RDSDRemovable Data Storage Device
RDTRemote Data Terminal
RDTRemote Display Terminal
RDXRemovable Data eXtension
REBRadio Equipment Box
REBRelocatable Equipment Building
REFCLKReference Clock
REJASERE-using Junk As Something Else
RENRemote Enable
RETResolution Enhancement Technology
RFAResident Flash Array
RFCResidual Functional Capacity
RFFERadio Frequency Front End
RFIRadio Frequency Interference
RFICRadio Frequency Integrated Circuit
RFTRepeat Formation Tester
RGBRed, Green, Blue
RGPResidential Gateway Platform
RHRestoration Hardware
RHARectangular Hybrid Automaton
RHIRender Hardware Interface
RHIRendering Hardware Interface

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