Hardware Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Hardware terminology and jargon:



RSFCRouter Switch Feature Card
RSICResilient Sound Isolation Clip
RSLRambus Signaling Level
RSMRemote Speaker Microphone
RSPCRestore Service Processor Configuration
RTRadio Tag
RTRender Time
RTRaw Tape
RTAReal Time Analyzer
RTAReal-Time Accumulator
RTABRight-handed flip-up TABlet
RTADRouter ADapter
RTAKRapid Tailorable Aperture Kit
RTAPReal-Time Applications Platform
RTATRepair Turn-Around Time
RTCRecorder, Talker, and Checker
RTCCReal Time Clock Chip
RTFRun To Failure
RTFLReal Time Fault Location
RTLRegister Transfer Language
RTMRear Transition Module
RTNIReal-Time Non-Intrusive
RTPReal-Time Plotter
RTPReal-Time output Port

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