International Business Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the International Business terminology and jargon:



NSCNational Security Council
NSDNational Security Directive
NSFNational Safety Foundation
NSGNuclear Suppliers Group
NSONational Security Override
NSTEDBThe National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board
NTBNon-Tariff Barrier
NTDBNational Trade Data Bank
NTENational Trade Estimate
NTENew To Export
NTMNew To Market
NTONo Tax Offshore
NTONational Tourism Organization
NTRNormal Trade Relations
NVOCCNon-Vessel Operating Common Carrier
NWJNegotiating With the Japanese
NWMNetwork Marketing
O&MOrganização e Métodos
O&OOffshoring And Outsourcing
O/AOpen Account
O/FOcean Freight
OACOffice of Anti-boycott Compliance
OAPECOrganization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries
OASOrganization of American States
OASISOperational and Administrative System for Import Support
