Laboratory Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Laboratory terminology and jargon:



AFBAcid-Fast Bacillus
AFBacid-fast bacill-us, -i
AFCAFfinity Chromatography
AFCAnalytical Flow Cytometry
AFCAntibody-Forming Cell
AFIAmniotic Fluid Index
AFLAbsolute Fluid Loss
AFLASAsian Federation of Laboratory Animal Science
AFMLAdvanced Functional Materials Laboratory
AFPAlways False Positive
AFPAcute Flaccid Paralysis
AFRAqueous Flare Response
AFRLAir Force Research Laboratory
AFRLAutonomous Field Robotics Laboratory
AFTCApparent Free Testosterone Concentration
AFTNAutonomously Functioning Thyroid Nodule
AGAnion Gap
AGCActive Group Count
AGEAverage Growth Exponent
AGESAdvanced Glycation End Substance
AGIDagar gel immunodiffusion
AGILAsian Gemmological Institute Laboratory
AGILAnimal Genomics and Improvement Laboratory
AGILEAssociation of Geographic Information Laboratories in Europe
