Medical Physics Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Medical Physics terminology and jargon:



CRTComputerized Regulatory Thermography
CRTCathode Ray Tube
Cryo-TEMCryogenic transmission electron microscopy
CSATCentre for Substance Abuse Treatment
CSDAContinuous Slowing-Down Approximation
CSRCervical Spine Radiography
CTComputed Tomography
CT-SIMComputed Tomography SIMulator
CTA-FFRComputed Tomographic Angiography with a new computerized analysis of Flow Reserve
CTAPComputed tomography arterial portography
CTCAComputerized tomography coronary angiogram
CTVClinical Target Volume
CVATCostovertebral Angle Tenderness
CVRCerebrovascular resistance
CVSComputer Vision Syndrome
DCDDevelopmental coordination disorder
DCDADichorionic Diamniotic (twin pregnancy)
DCRDigitally Composited Radiograph
DDDevice Deficiency
DEHDental Hygienist
DESPDiabetic Eye Screening Programme
DIADigital Image Analysis
DINDeutches Institut fur Normung (Germany)
DMFDose Modifying Factor
