Meteorology Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Meteorology terminology and jargon:



CMOSCanadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
CMPCompetitive Medical Plan
CMVConverted Meteorological Visibility
CNMOCCommander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command
CNMOCCommander Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command
CNMOCCommander Naval Meteorological and Oceanographic Command
COADSComprehensive Ocean Atmosphere Data Set
COAMPSCoupled Oceanographic and Atmospheric Model
COARECoupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment
CODCloud Optical Depth
COECorps Of Engineers
COMEDSCONUS Meteorological Data System
COMETCooperative program for Operational Meteorology, Education, and Training
COMSCommunication Ocean and Meteorological Satellite
CONUSContinental United States
COPChance Of Precipitation
COPCCommittee for Operational Processing Centers
CORSContinuously Operating Reference Station
COTSCommercial Off The Shelf
COTSCoastal Observation Technology System
CPCenter of Pressure
CPContinental Polar
CPAPContinuous Positive Air Pressure
CPCClimate Prediction Center
CPMCCirrus Parcel Model Comparison
