Meteorology Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Meteorology terminology and jargon:



TWMTraditional Weather Modification
TWRTactical Weather Radar
TWSTsunami Warning System
TWVTotal Water Vapor
TYXNational Weather Service, Montague, New York, radar
TZCTime Zone Converter
TZDTrue Zenith Distance
UAASUpper Air Atmospheric Sounding
UACUtah Avalanche Center
UAMUrban Airshed Model
UAPUnidentified Aerial Phenomena
UAPUnidentified Aerial Phenomenon
UAPTFUnidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force
UARUpper Atmosphere Research
UATDUrban Area Transport and Dispersion
UAVUnmanned Aerial Vehicle
UCARUniversity Corporation For Atmospheric Research
UGFUnder-Ground Facility
UGSUnattended Ground Sensor
UHAUltra High Altitude
UHIUltra- High Intensity
UHMUndersea & Hyperbaric Medicine Society
UHPUltra High Pressure
UKMETUnited Kingdom's Meteorological Office
