Military Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Military terminology and jargon:



SOASeparate Operating Agency
SOASpecial Operations Aviation
SOASpeed of Advance
SOAStatus of Action
SOASustained Operations Ashore
SOASpecial Operations Area
SOACMSSpecial Operations Aviation Combat Mission Simulator
SOAFStatus of Action File
SOAGSSpecial Operations Air-Ground System
SOARSpecial Operations Air Regiment
SOASSpecial Operations ADP (Automatic Data Processing) System
SOATSpecial Operatives Anti Terrorism
SOBState Operation Budget
SOBStandard Operational Bull
SOBSoldier Of Britain
SOBStill On the Boat
SOBStuck On the Boat
SOBSoul On Board
SOBSpecial Operations Base (Delta Force)
SOBERShort Of Being Entirely Ready
SOCSpecial Operations Command
SOCSystem On a Chip
SOCSpace Operations Command
SOCServicemembers Opportunity Colleges
SOCSpecial Operations Capable
