Military Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Military terminology and jargon:



SOSDDSame Old S***, Different Day
SOSESpecial Operations Staff Element
SOSESystem-Of-Systems Engineering
SOSGStation Operations Support Group
SOSISystem Of Systems Integration
SOSOState Owned, State Operated
SOSRSuppress, Obscure, Secure, and Reduce
SOSTACSituation, Objectives and Strategy, Tactics, Action, and Control
SOSUSSound Surveillance System
SOTSpecial Operations Training
SOTSpecial Operations Team
SOTSplit Option Training
SOTASignals Intelligence (SIGINT) Operational Tasking Authority
SOTASStandoff Target Acquisition System
SOTCSnow Operations Training Center
SOTEPSoftware Operational Test and Evaluation Plan
SOTFSpecial Operations Task Force
SOTGSpecial Operations Training Group
SOTGSpecial Operations Task Group
SOTISecurity Operations Training and Intelligence
SOTICStrategic Operations Target Interdiction Command
SOTPSeat Of The Pants
SOTPSpecial Operations Training Program
SOTPSplit Option Training Platoon
SOTSESpecial Operations Theater Support Element
