Networking Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Networking terminology and jargon:



RSHRemote SHell
RSIRequirements Service Interface
RSIRandom Section Interface
RSMRoute Switch Module
RSMReceived Sync Message
RSNRegional Service Network
RSNRobust Security Network
RSPRoute-Switch Processor
RSPANRemote Switched Port ANalyzer
RSPNRural Support Programmes Network
RSSRemote Support Software
RSSRouters, Servers, and Switches
RSSRemote Storage Service
RSTPRapid Spanning Tree Protocol
RSURemote Service Unit
RSUPReliable State Update Protocol
RSUPReliable SAP Update Protocol
RSVRemote Support Viewing
RSVPResource Reservation Protocol
RTARound Trip Average
RTAMRemote Terminal Access Method
RTCReal Time Connection
RTCPReal-Time Transport Control Protocol (sometimes seen as RTP-Real-Time Transport Protocol)
RTCPReal Time Control Protocol
