Networking Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Networking terminology and jargon:



SNPPSimple Network Paging Protocol
SNRSignal-to-Noise Ratio
SNRCStanford Networking Research Center
SNSSocial Networking System
SNSSocial Networking Service
SNTSure Non Termination
SNTSocial Networking Technologies
SNTSuccess Networking Team
SNTPSimple Network Time Protocol
SNVTStandard Network Variable Type
SNVTsStandard Network Variable Types
SNWSocial Networking Website
SOAServer Of Authority
SOAService-Oriented Architecture
SOANSelf-Organizing with Adaptive Neighborhood Neural Network (computing)
SOAPSimple Object Access Protocol
SODAService On Demand Architecture
SODSStart Of Data Storage
SOFStart Of Frame
SOFSScale out File Services
SOFSScale out File Servers
SOGSuggested Operating Guidelines
SOHOSmall Office / Home Office
SoIPServices over Internet Protocol
SOLSystem Outer Loop
