Ocean Science Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Ocean Science terminology and jargon:



WEMSWater Engineering Management Services
WEPOCSWestern Equatorial Pacific Ocean Climate Studies
WEQWind Erosion Equation
WESPWater And Energy Simulations And Prediction
WESTRAXWestern Tropical Atlantic Experiment
WETWhole Effluent Toxicity
WETWater Education For Teachers
WETWater Education Technology
WETWater Efficiency Trials
WETWetland Evaluation Technique
WFDWater Framework Directive
WFLSWatson Forward Looking Sonar
WFOWeather Forecast Office
WFRWater Flow Rate
WFRSWillapa Fisheries Recovery Strategy
WFWWater For the World
WFWWatershed, Fish, and Wildlife
WGWater Gauge
WGAGWorking Group on Arctic Glaciology
WGAMWorking Group on Antarctic Meteorology
WGCCDWorking Group on Climate Change Detection
WGCEWest Greenland Current Extension
WGCHWeekly Global Climate Highlights
WGCOMWorking Group on the Commercialization of Meteorological and Hydrological Services
WGDWorking Group on Data

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