Ocean Science Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Ocean Science terminology and jargon:



CCOLCoordinating Committee on the Ozone Layer
CCOPCommittee for Coordination of Joint Prospecting for Mineral Resources in Asian Offshore Areas
CCOPECooperative Convective Precipitation Experiment
CCRPCoastal Conservation Research Program
CCRPCalifornia Coastal Records Project
CCRSCanada Centre for Remote Sensing
CCSCommand and Control System
CCSFCore Composite depth below Sea Floor
CCSRCenter for Climate System Research
CCSRConcord Consortium Sonar Ranger
CCWCPCoordinating Committee for the World Climate Program
CD-ROMCompact Disc Read-Only Memory
CDACommand and Data Acquisition
CDAClean Dry Air
CDCClimate Diagnostics Center
CDCCCaribbean Development and Cooperation Committee
CDFCommon Data Format
CDFCCloud Depiction and Forecast System
CDIACCarbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center
CDPCommon Depth Point
CDRCritical Design Review
CDWCircumpolar Deep Water
CEAAtomic Energy Commission
CEAREXCoordinated Eastern Arctic Experiment
CECOLDOCEntro COLombiano de Datos e información Oceanográfica

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