Oncology Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Oncology terminology and jargon:



CAPOCanadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology
CARECancer Awareness Resource Environment
CAROCanadian Association of Radiation Oncology
CATComputerized Axial Tomography
CATOComputer Aided Therapy For Oncology
CBCancer Board
CBCGCochrane Breast Cancer Group
CBTCarotid Body Tumor
CBTChildhood Brain Tumor
CBTCord Blood Transplant
CBTRContralateral Breast Tumor Recurrence
CBTRChildren's Brain Tumour Research
CCCubic Centimeter
CCCancer Center
CCColorectal Cancer
CCAFCancer Center Administrators Forum
CCFCongestive Cardiac Failure
CCFCleveland Clinic Foundation
CCGChildren's Cancer Group
CCICClinical Cancer Investigations Committee
CCOCancer Care Ontario
CCONCanadian Cardiac Oncology Network
CCOPCommunity Clinical Oncology Program
CCORECollaboration of Cancer Outcomes Research and Evaluation
CCPRCancer Cell Production Rate

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