Oncology Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Oncology terminology and jargon:



CRORCenter for Radiation Oncology Research
CSCancer Survivor
CSACell Surface Antigen
CSCCancer Stem Cell
CSCTCell-Specific Cancer Therapy
CSECommon Sense Exam
CSFCerebroSpinal Fluid
CSFColony Stimulating Factor
CSGOChinese Society of Gynecological Oncology
CSICrash Scene Investigation
CSMUnnited Kingdom Committee on Safety of Medicines
CSPCancer Surveillance Program
CSPCervical Screening Program
CSPCystoSarcoma Phyllodes
CSPOConvergent Science Physical Oncology
CSRCorrected Survival Rate
CSSCancer-Specific Survival
CSSOCanadian Society of Surgical Oncology
CSUFCancer Service Users Forum
CTComputerized Tomography
CTComputed Tomography
CTCarcinoid Tumor
CTCCommon Toxicity Criteria
CTCCirculating Tumor Cells

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