Professional Organizations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Professional Organizations terminology and jargon:



NATPEThe National Association Of Television Programme Executives
NATSNational Association of Teachers of Singing
NATSNebraska Association of Teachers of Science
NATTNational Association of Teachers of Travellers
NATTBNational Apprentice Trade Testing Board
NAUANational Automobile Underwriters Association
NAUBNational Association of Urban Bankers
NAUGNational AMS Users Group
NAUHNational Association of Urban Hospitals
NAUINational Association of Underwater Instructors
NAVPNational Association of Vision Professionals
NAVPNational Association of Veterinary Physiotherapists
NAWBNational Association of Workforce Boards
NAWBONational Association of Women Business Owners
NAWONational Alliance of Women's Organisations
NAWONational Association of Wedding Officiants
NAWTNational Association of Wastewater Transporters
NBANational Bricklayers Association
NBAINational Bar Association of India
NBAOTNew Brunswick Association of Occupational Therapists
NBBPVINational Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors
NBCUNational Bureau of Casualty Underwriters
NBFENational Board of Fitness Examiners
NBGQANational Building Granite Quarries Association
NBMDANational Building Materials Distribution Association
