Physics Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Physics terminology and jargon:



PEMI IIPortable Engineering Moire Interferometer, Second generation
PEMRPulsed Electro-Magnetic Radiation
PEOProject Evaluation Objectives
PEPPauli Exclusion Principle
PEPIPhysics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors
PEPICOPhoto Electron Photo Ion Coincidence spectOscopy
PEPSIProton Echo Planar Spectroscopic Imaging
PERPhysics Education Research
PERTRANPerturbation Transport
PETPhotosynthetic Electron Transport
PETTPositron Emission Transverse of Transaxial
PEWDPotential Energy Well Depth
PFPhoton Flux
PFParticle Flow
PFAPulsation Frequency Analysis
PFCParallel Flange Channel
PFCPhysics Frontiers Centers
PFDPhoton Flux Density
PFGPulsed Field Gradient
PFUProton Flux Unit
PFWPropagating Floquet Wave
PFXPenning Fusion eXperiment
PFX-IPenning Fusion eXperiment - Ions
PGAPeak Ground Accerleration
