Physics Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Physics terminology and jargon:



BCMPBiology Chemistry Math Physics
BCRBoron Control Rod
BCSBardeen Cooper Schrieffer theory of superconductivity
BCTBody-Centered Tetragonal
BDBounded Distortion
BDBunch-Davies vacuum state
BDBelow Detection
BEBose Einstein
BEAMBosiger Energy Alignment Method
BEARBiological Effects Of Atomic Radiation
BECBose Einstein Condensate
BEDOBeitr. elektronenmikroskop. Direktabb. Oberfl.
BEEEBasal Energy Expenditure Equation
BEEMBallistic Electron Emission Microscopy
BEFDBackward Euler centered Finite Difference
BEFEBio Electric Field Enhancement
BEFLBrillouin Erbium Fiber Laser
BENEBeams for European. Neutrino Experiments
BERTBackground Equivalent Radiation Time
BESSBreaking Electroweak Symmetry Strongly
BETBrunauer - Emmett - Teller
Beta NMRBeta-radiation Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Beta-NMRBeta-Radiation Detected Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
BFBack and Forth
BFBarcan Formula
