Physics Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Physics terminology and jargon:



CBAColliding-Beam Accelerator
CBHCorrelated Barrier Hopping
CBOCorrected Born-Oppenheimer
CBOCoherent Betatron Oscillations
CBRCalifornia Bearing Ratio
CBRNChemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear
CBSCompton BackScattering
CBTCorrected Brake Torque
CCConservation of Charge
CCClosed Circuit
CCCConformal Cyclic Cosmology
CCDCCyclic Channel Die Compression
CCEPPCAS Center for Excellence in Particle Physics
CCFCorrelation Crystal Field
CCFCarbonaceous Chondrite Fission
CCFLCold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp
CCFLCounter-Current Flow Limitation
CCFPCollaborative Convective Forecast Product
CCFRChicago Columbia Fermilab Rochester
CCLMCold Crucible Levitation Melting
CCMComputational Continuum Mechanics
CCMComplementary Contact Model
CCMDContinuous-Current Monitoring Device
CCMPComputational Condensed Matter Physics
CCPCConsortium for Computational Physics and Chemistry
