Physics Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Physics terminology and jargon:



APLAdvanced Physics Laboratory
APLApplied Physics Letters
APMAbsolute Proper Motion
APMAssociated Particle Method
APOPAutomatic Particle Orientation Procedure
APPLAPplied Physics Letters
APPLAPPL APplied Physics Letters
APPMTAdvanced Photon Processing and Measurement Technology
APPNAsia Pacific Physics Newsletter
APRGApplied Physics Research Group
APSAdvanced Propagation System
APSAdvanced Photon Source
APSCApplied Physics Student Council
APTAnalytic Perturbation Theory
APULVZAltiplano-Puna Ultralow-Velocity Zone
AQAnomalous Quadrupole
ARAbsorptive Region
ARACArithmetic Robot Application Control
ARBActive Rere Beam
ARCAccurate Radius Curvature
ARDSAnalysis of Rotor Dynamic Systems
ARESAdvanced Rheometric Expansion System
ARIEAsynchronous Ratio Of Internal To External
ARLAverage Run Length
ARPA-EAdvanced Research Projects Agency - Energy
