Physiology Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Physiology terminology and jargon:



TDF/FTCtenofovir plus emtricitabine
TDHTotally Different Head
TDKTotal Duchenne Knockout
TDLolowest dose resulting in a toxic effect
TDLUTerminal Ductal Lobular Unit
TDMFilm, Extended Release
TDNTotal Digestible Nutrients
TDOTricho- Dento- Osseous Syndrome
TDSTotal Dissolved Solids
TDTTooth Decay Test
TETherapeutic exercises
TETransposon Excision
TETriggered Effects
TEThroat Erosion
TETamper Evident
TEThapeutically Equivalent
TEAMTransfemoral Endovascular Aneurysm Management
TEBTemporary Eye Bypass
TECTubular Epithelial Cell
TEDTending To Emotional Disorders
TEDThyroid Eye Disease
TEDThrombo Embolism Deterrent
TEDTotal Effective Dose
TEDETotal Effective Dose Equivalent
TEETransesophageal echocardiogram
