Products Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Products terminology and jargon:



AFCAce Flexocal Combines
AFCAir Flow Control
AFCBAuger Feeder Cascading Blender
AFDAir Filtration Device
AFEAnother Friendly Edition
AFGAcuity Form Generator
AFMActive Filter Media
AFMAnything for money
AFPAdvanced Function Presentation
AFPAdvanced Food Products
AFPAAlberta Forest Products Association
AFPNArtisan Food Products Network
AFRAdjustable Function Rate
AFRAnnualized Failure Rate
AFRAlternative Fuel Resource
AFVAlternative-Fuel Vehicle
AGAssist Gate
AGANAs Good As New
AGBAccessory Gearbox
AGBCAppearance and Grooming Behavior Communicater
AGCAutomated Guided Cart
AGGAAnti Germ Guardian Angel (product)
AGIAnalytical Graphics, Inc.
AGMAbsorbed Glass Mat
