Psychology Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Psychology terminology and jargon:



CPOPCommittee On Psychology In Other Professional Schools
CPPPClinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology
CPPSChildren's Psychological Processes Scale
CPRGCulture and Psychology Research Group
CPRPClinical Psychology Residency Program
CPRSComprehensive Psychopathological Rating Scale
CPSChild-Pugh Score
CPSCommunity Psychiatric Service
CPSCompensatory Strategies
CPSHCenter for Psychological and Spiritual Health
CPSOCounseling Psychology Student Organization
CPSPCertified Peer Support Provider
CPTCurrent Procedural Terminology
CPTContinuous Performance Test
CPTACommittee on Psychological Tests and Assessment
CPTCCounseling Psychology Training Clinic
CPWCCounseling Psychological Wellness Center
CRCPCaribbean Regional Conference of Psychology
CRESPCurrent Research in Ecological and Social Psychology
CRIPContent, Relational Identity, and Process
CRISPCurrent Research In Social Psychology
CRPOCollege of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario
CRSCorrect Relation Selection
CRTCognitive Research Theory
CRTTCalibrated Radiance and Temperature Tape
