Religion Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Religion terminology and jargon:



ACTSA Commitment To Serve
ACTSAdult Christians Together Socially
ACTSAcclaiming Christ Through Sharing
ACTSAdoration Community Theology And Service
ACTSAcclaim Christ Through Sharing
ACTSAction Charity Testimony Sanctification
ACTSAdoring Christ Through Service
ACTSAdelaide Churches Talent Squads
ACTSAcknowledging Christ Through Service
ACTSArts Conformed To The Savior
ACTSAssociation For Confessional Theological Study
ACTTAchieving Change Through Torah
ACUCAAssociation of Christian Universities and Colleges in Asia
ACUPAssociation of Catholic Universities of the Philippines
ACVAdvent Christian Village
ACVA Conservative Version
ACWAmerican Christian Writers
ACWA Christian Witness
ACWAnglican Church Women
ACWCAsheville Christian Writers Conference
ACWCAllied Christian Worship Centre
ACWGAustin Christian Writers' Guild
ACWIArizona Christian Worldview Institute
ACWRArchivists for Congregations of Women Religious
ACWRApostolic Christian World Relief
