Russian Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Russian terminology and jargon:



MRKCMore Russian Kettlebell Challenges
MRKNMnogorazovoy Raketno Kosmicheskoy Nositel
MSIUMoscow State Industrial University
MSKMoscow Standard time
MSUMoscow State University
MVDMinisterstvo Vnutrennih Del
NAFNovorossiyian Armed Forces
NKVDNarodny Komissariat Vnutrennih Del
NKWDNarodnij Komissariat Wnutrennych Del (Russian: People's Office for Interior; Soviet Secret Service 1937-1946)
NORSNational Organization of Russian Scouts
NRECNational Russian Essay Contest
NRFNeo Russian Federation
NRRFNorth Russian Relief Force
NRSNew Russian Standard
NZDemilitarized Zone
ODABObyomno-Detoniruyuschchaya Aviatsionnaya Bomba
OOOObshestvo S Ogranichennoy Otvetstvennjctyu
OREAOffice of Russian and European Analysis
ORGJOrgj. is the Romanized abbreviation for organization in European-Slavic and Cyrillic languages.
OTKотдел технического контроля
PLARBPodvodnaya Lodka Atomnaya Raketnaya Ballisticheskaya (Russian: Nuclear Powered Ballistic Missile Submarine)
POTRFPresident Of The Russian Federation
PULEMYOT KALASHNIKOVAThe PK (Russian: Пулемёт Калашникова, transliterated as Pulemyot Kalashnikova, or "Kalashnikov's machine gun"),[2] is a belt-fed general-purpose machine gun, chambered for the 7.62×54mmR rimmed cartridge.
RAACIRussian Association of Allergology and Clinical Immunology
RABNRussian AIDS Banner Network
