Science Fiction Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Science Fiction terminology and jargon:



CALChaos And Light
CAPERCleft Accelerated Plasma Experimental Rocket
CBICyborg Bureau of Intelligence
CCCCosmic Camel Corps
CCSCard Captor Sakura
CCSCruel Colollus Sword
CDACrimson Dawn Alliance
CDSColony Defence System
CEOChief Executioner Omnipotent
CEWLClandestine Environmental Warrior Liaison
CFClone Fiction
CFCrystal Fighter
CGFClan of Godlike Fraggers
CHAINYCombustible Hidden Autonomous Industrial; Now Yours
CHILDCybernetic Human Interface Lifeform Device
CHUDCannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller
CICarnage, Inc.
CIACelestial Intervention Agency
CIACommittee to Intervene Anywhere
CISConfederacy of Independent Systems
CKCommander Kid
CKCombat King
CKCelestial Kingdom
CLAUDIOCybernetic Lifelike Android Used for Dialogue Interaction and Observation
CLUBClandestine League Unified by Borock
