Cyber & Security Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Cyber & Security terminology and jargon:



ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASDAApplication Security Design Assessment
ASICAustralian Securities and Investments Commission
ASICAustralian Securities & Investments Commission
ASIOAustralian Security Intelligence Organization
ASIOAustralian Security Intelligence Organisation
ASISApplication Software Installation Server
ASISAmerican Society for Industrial Security
ASKMMAdvanced Standard Key Management Module
ASLCApplication Security Life Cycle
ASPECTAutomated Security Protocol Examination and Checking Tool
ASPIAdvanced SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) Programming Interface
ASRAccess Service Request
ASSAABLOY security solution Assa
ASVSApplication Security Verification Standard
ATAAdvanced Technology Attachment
ATCIApplications and Techniques in Cyber Intelligence
ATIPAccess To Information and Privacy
ATOAuthority To Operate
AUAuthenticated User
AUAuthorized User
AUIAudit Universe Item
AUPAcceptible Use Policy
AUSAnonymous Undeniable Signature
