Stock Exchange Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Stock Exchange terminology and jargon:



$PCRDollar-weighted Put/Call Ratio
$WPCRDollar-Weighted Put-Call ratio
10QReport on stock that businesses need to file with the Federal Government
2BVStock symbol for Brightcove Inc. (Frankfort Stock Exchange)
50KAccounting Audit
AAAgainst Actuals
AAFAsset Allocation Fund
AANGApple,Amazon,Netflix and Google
AAOEAbort All Open Exchanges
AAPAsset Allocation Plan
AAPPAverage All-Pig Price
AARLAsset Allocation Related Liability
AASEAustralian Associated Stock Exchange
ABAktiebolag (Swedish, =Stock company)
ABIAssociazione Bancaria Italiana (Association of Italian Bankers)
ABIAutomated Broker Interface
ABIPAsset Based Income Program
ABSAsset-Backed Security
ABSAutomated Bond System
ABSAsset Backed Securities
ABSCAsset Backed Securities Corporation
ABUKAbou Kir Fertilizers (stock symbol)
ACCESSAmerican-Canadian Connection for Efficient Securities Settlement
ACCESSAmerican Computerized Commodity Exchange System And Services
ACEAIBD (Association of International Bonds Dealers), Cedel, Euroclear
